Saturday, June 25, 2011

In the husband's eyes, I was a famous myopia

In the husband's eyes, I was a famous myopia; Low IQ. But sometimes, he also meeting I exist. The day before yesterday on the street,
In a busy market doorway we become separated, but I found him back, and, behold, he is to look back nervously.

I went to from his back, yell his name, he fiercely turn around, I haven't seen him, or would you pretend, Shouting, and also make very afraid, worried, the way he happy smile hugged me and said "oh, stupid!" Oh, sweet dead!!!!!

And remember a: last night after dinner and husband in the yard for a walk, suddenly saw the road there are a cockroach
, I shout loudly "husband, stamp, stamp, stamp on it!" And then he also stretching feet ready to trample, her husband said "oh, jack Bauer, let it is." Let me feel like is cruel, storm didn't love.

The husband sat bus home, quartz, the way to my hair message let me around the home.

I give him back to the message say you in the car, the traffic sleep now.

He returned to: no!!!!! If only dream of you more scary!!!!!

One day see on TV sports China and defeat

I said matter-of-factly: "in the future I will let my child practice sports win honor for the country"!!!!!!!!!!

The husband looked at book looked up at the first sight I say: "that let him lift weights, look * * * so son he can do!"

M01_reaverguard1_a05 = {HMMMM......

One day with husband all will be discussing the topic of "stupid under discussion for a lifetime do man or woman", I
Want to half a day said, "I want to do next lifetime man, let you be a woman to serve me!"

The husband twist face saw my one eye said "for a lifetime you also told me that".............

Yesterday and husband at home playing mice, the husband is very valiant, died on mice. I praising his extraordinarily brave, but he is very "look behind
Say "ah, I reminded of a childhood of ShuKe and see the beta", in the mind very suffered!"

I first to husband cook a meal, oneself handicraft true not jing, do out of the vegetables aroma all McGrady, the husband can be good
Love to one side devoted to bitterness eat, part comfort accidentally say, the wife it doesn't matter, give me food and clothing can, and I do not request rush off.

The wife's mood diary

In the middle of the night, wake up and feel the husband was hugging me, secretly pleased!!!!! Thought: this guy at ordinary times is pretty cool, unexpectedly sleep
Lou farcing carelessly. So deeply touched, is preparing to enjoy his embrace, heard him in a daze said: "wife!!!!!!!!!!" cold At that time he played very anxious to go to bed.

One day and husband watch TV together, TV actress is ballet, the husband said to me: "wife, you are also very comfortable
$ballet. "Secretly pleased! Wish: the husband must think I in great shape. But I want to make him the praise the direct point, so take continue to ask him:" why do you say me for ballet? "The husband is very serious and professional of the tone say:" ballet people chest can too big. "I immediately not from the chair rolling down.

A weekend after getting up, and the husband said to the cost of the recent problems, think we often spending money, it doesn't
Well, he decided to get rid of spending money problems. Night with my husband, I see supermarket I love to eat ShaQiMa, but do not know to buy which brand, so pick a price for $4, 8, is preparing to hear when stretched out his hand and took the husband on the side constantly to call: "4 piece of 6, 4 piece of six." I hear immediately after smile keep not waist, it seems that he is to our savings plan seriously.

One morning, I rest, the husband go to work, I send a husband to the elevator, the elevator door open, I turn round to prepare to go home,
Hear back a husband call me and turn round to see, see a husband standing before in the elevator one feet stand a feet cocked up stopped the door, explore a body naughty said to me: "wife inside nobody ah, kiss once!" I again spirit again funny!

Once, I side side mirror combs say to the husband: "you say if my husband came home from work, cook wash every day
Clothes, then I don't do anything, as long as the work, that good ah. "The husband go to next to me and keep shake me and said:" wife, wake up, wake up, it's getting late. "I was completely my husband defeated.

My husband and I like to watch video, but every time to change the film when is very painful, especially in winter, don't want to
From the bed come out. Then, every time a picture when I stop right side, also a pack to sleep head snoring; The husband see a form, can only yourself out of bed to change it. Until the disc into a warehouse, I pretended to be asleep, wake up immediately loose xing appearance say: how, how, what happened? To change disc? I, I, I now. Her husband said I was too bad.

Monday, June 20, 2011

I feel a little bad, the waves getting bigger

I feel a little bad, the waves getting bigger. It waves in the non-stop violent shaking, I ordered the sailors to something fixed, we need to accelerate progress, we must reach out hurricane safe harbor. I do everything in the room captain, and never stops observing the changes in hurricanes. It is getting closer and closer to us, is about to hit. 

Bad, sparking waves of water filled into the boat, wet everything. Sailors in the roar of the wind roar seems to have become so small. Waves constantly Chung, I Xinxuan up. 

Hurricanes cut into two parts the water, part of the Bay from back to front, part of the assault from the front. Is swell! 

I have not Huiguo Shen, that moment, two waves before and after the hold up from the sea it can be its own too, so severely broken from the middle. 

Ship shaking violently, I try to have lost the use of holding the rudder, sailors panic heap, and some were then involved in the deep sea waves. Suddenly, the fear and the hurricane's howling sounds mixed a, mixed with the rain poured down, like a sudden fall of the nineteenth floor of hell. 

We are finished. 

Lost, it was all over. 

I am very calm standing master room of the window, touch has been accompanied by an old friend. Its body has been broken, the tail has been immersed in cold water and slowly sinking. I think it must be painful it. I, too relaxed on their own. 

Ten minutes later, its tail has completely disappeared, the captain room quickly filling with water to come. Hull like a straw, straight into the sea. 

Water reaches the neck, I heard the voice of the sailor disappeared completely, probably, they are gone it. Waiting for me, I came. 

During a thunderstorm, I closed my eyes. 

Died in 1980, my life will eventually be attributed to it. 

At that moment tears blurred his vision, the moment I finally understood. 

It's great that it was born, but also because it's huge and die.

Died in 1980, Soul Debaixiaer

It's a great ride it in the boundless sea, there is no binding. 

At this point in September, I received a mission to Okinawa, Japan 15 tons of iron ore delivered to the port. 

It is a rest stop in the port, the equivalent of twice the size of the Titanic's body floating in the sea. I looked expensive, as its outline, it is in the sunset like buzz. I thought for a moment, it has been four years old, in the vast sea travel for four years, the prime of life it is still a long way to go. May be I am old, but also when to leave, perhaps, this time is the last time I accompanied it. 

Iron ore will be transported to their ship, the owner and I stood aside. He handed me a cigarette, said he fully believed that my old friend Debaixiaer, it looks very stable. I smiled and took a lit cigarette, answered him, an old friend at sea for four years, these things can entrust. 

He's all iron ore transport workers finally came, my sailor off the entrance, pull anchor, starting. 

I am the captain room, skilled helm. It is with me, followed the rhythm of my movement.Everything is organized, I think this is the perfect time to travel will be the outcome. 

September 9. 

I awoke from a dream, a sailor X. He said that we have reached the area of
​​Japan, Okinawa, Japan from the port where there are 200 nautical miles. I said, it is a good thing, we travel about to the ends. I thought he would like me to Manmianhongguang, may have collided with his anxious eyes. I asked him how. He looked solemn and said, we encountered a hurricane. I heard laughed, patted his shoulder and told him to our old friend the great, it can withstand even the biggest hurricane, we will safely reach the port.He laughed, but I do not see that he is really, like, in his heart there is a little worried about it. 

To the master room, X right, this hurricane really great, but it does not matter, my old friend, no problem. Thought for a moment, I decided to notify people still look to the port.Turn on the radio, I said, Debaixiaer number is 100 kilometers per hour winds and 9-meter waves in advance, we will arrive later than some of the ports, but at most a few days.